Because there are not enough players to fill the number of teams on Long Island and the better players try out for the top 6 teams. Hockey has less players but less teams. Baseball has many more players than lax. So with the few players and the many teams for lacrosse one would expect only a hand full of A or AA teams. Does Long Island have more than 6 A/AA teams in any age group? If so who are they?

Originally Posted by Anonymous

My kid plays on what you would call AA. I call it A. I don't see a separate category of AA for three teams on Long Island. Sorry. I see A and B. Top 5 are A with two or three on top which you would call AA. The rest are B. It makes more sense to call the top 6 A and the rest B. It makes no sense to have three teams AA teams and the next three A and the rest B. I will tell you as with my older kid who also plays on what you would call AA and I call A -- the colleges don't care. They know which tournaments are the good ones and they watch the top division. Does not matter if it is called A or B or AA. At the prospect camps they don't care or ask if a kid plays A ,B or AA.

Cite any other mature sport where such an assinine approach to classification exists. And we're talking about Long Island, where despite growth in other areas, is still top 2 in the country for the game. There are more teams on LI at EVERY age group that deserve to be considered A than just 5! In any reasonable classification system, every tier will have teams that comprise the top, middle and bottom of EACH tier - that is accomplished by five teams how?! [/quote]