Originally Posted by Anonymous
What grade are those 4 kids in?

If they’re in 7th, they are 2023 eligible but, essentially playing down since most 2023’s are turning 13 this summer while your crew will be 14.

If they’re in 8th, S2S should be playing in 2022 brackets - cheaters.

Super job, S2S. I hope you get great pride beating younger kids - it must make you so proud to relive your pathetic athletic career watching your team cheat all summer. Kids get better playing on age or up, not beating younger kids for T-shirts.

They are all in 7th grade. Based on birthdays parents have a choice of pushing a kid in K ahead or holding them back (making them the oldest or youngest in a grade). PAL and travel teams go by school year. Until that changes they aren't cheating. Other sports have moved to age based , which would push some of these kids to play up. The WSYL has moved to age based. All of S2S kids that played in the qualifier were of "legal" age based on the rules. A kid with a Jan birthday will be in the same grade as a kid with an August birthday but is almost 7 months older. Cheating? Nope. Just because they are older doesn't always mean they are better. The Recon team that played this past weekend had huge 8th graders (several of them) and they lost every game. Stop making excuses why your kids team lost or can't compete with these teams. The S2S is talented. If your kid is so good try out. Otherwise stop whining!