Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So to change the tone of the conversation, does anyone else feel like it's a war of attrition now with prospects and showcase camps that are left in the season? I've heard some good advice about not going to the camps if your daughter isn't 100% but the FOMO is real. Anyone else feeling this way? Honestly, I feel bad for these girls. It's a lot of lacrosse in a short amount of time. When is there time to heal and rest?

My daughter recently went to an ID camp and the coaches basically told all the players that most of the showcase events are a waste of time and money. College coaches are starting to push back on them, as they don't even want to go. They said that highest value events are ID camps at colleges that you are interested in. That's where coaches have time to learn everyone's name and get a feel for how the girls are as players AND as people. They also said that everyone is playing too much lacrosse as high school sophomores/juniors and the damage to the bodies is evident by the 3rd and 4th year of college ball. They said that they know that many players are hearing the opposite message from club directors.

100% agree with this and tell our girls every week. The crazy parents keep selling the fomo though and others follow.

High Point ID said the same thing to me and my daughter. While I agree, colleges also use these as money grabs. Duke and UNC had 200 kids there last year for 500.
I would say an ID or clinic where there are multiple colleges your kid likes.