Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Title 9 has brought so much opportunity for women.
124 D1
107 D2
293 D3
Many more club teams at great schools.
Some schools have an NCAA and club option.
Schools are adding women’s lacrosse constantly and who knows how many will be added this year. Seems to be a spot for everyone. So much fun!
24s enjoy the ride.

Check out Newsday's College Commitment page ..... you can compare what type of college opportunities lacrosse provides compared to other sports like soccer, basketball, track and field / CC, softball, field hockey etc... Not only are there way more girls going to play lacrosse in college (from Long Island) there is no comparison in the caliber of schools.

So true. Over 500 and some really good schools in all divisions. Sport is growing in leaps and bounds ,,especially for the women.
You have to have the grades or they won’t want to talk to you.

For those on Long Island the hotbed is fading. There is a school for just about every decent travel lacrosse player ( So many solid D3’s ) but don’t sit back.
The rest of America is coming on board and there are lots of top notch lacrosse players from many new states hitting the college ranks. If 2022 and now 2023 recruitment is a guide lots of traditional D1’s that were in the past going to LI ( yes Maryland Conn / Mass NJ VA PA DE ) are now being won by newer states kids.
Colorado Texas California Florida Carolina’s are coming up fast and now Oregon Minnesota Ohio plus rest of New England states plus Canada are clocking in great players. Long Island still the top or in multi area tie but even as new schools are added new areas are producing great lacrosse players. Gotta work, best of luck