Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I find the quote I included below to be especially interesting. If you are a parent from our team, call me (you have my number). If you aren’t a parent on our team and you are simply a person using an anonymous web forum to stir the pot, create false hostility, trying to negatively affect what is a good thing or have nothing better to do, you need to seriously take a long look at your life decisions.

-Mike Hall

I seriously doubt any of the following is true…

“ There are a few issues. The first being that the team culture not going so well. There is obvious egos of kids and parents that make it not enjoyable. If the team was the skill level it is but our daughter was enjoying it that be one thing, but it’s not. They feel like certain girls are favored and think that the actual instruction from coaches isn’t helping. For example, they tried to teach them zone and it was so poorly explained that the team left and was all texting each other that they’ve never felt so lost at a practice because the way it was taught was not clear and went against things taught by their school coaches. There’s also rumors flying that the coaches are telling certain parents information about kids that shouldn’t be spoken about to other parents. I could gamble and stick it out or jump ship, but like you said when is it to late? Is my daughter good enough for another team and so on”

Coaches replying on here like this is exactly why many of us don’t feel comfortable posting on here. Why are club coaches even on here? Now that this parent knows that their coach is paroozing the interweb I’m sure that them looking for outside advice will end now.

Actually I think it’s about time. All the coaches know about this site and maybe adults will start acting like adults now that’s it’s out. Also maybe it will make adults reconsider badmouthing children’s clubs. If the adult was so unhappy why not go speak to the coaches? Why hide behind an anonymous post bashing the club and the other children on the team Or you can just leave quietly like an adult!