Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you look at US Club rankings its:

YJ Weiner
YJ Ramos
YJ Kildare
Top Guns Black
YJ O'Sullivan
Jesters Black

This is pretty accurate though I might knock Elevate off the list completely as over the last two years their top 10 players have all left for other clubs. Empire should be above FLG as they have a decent team

This old list is completely inaccurate. Empire lost their goalie and a solid attacker to jesters. They will likely be back at the bottom. I think top guns and jesters move up, elevate empire 91 all stay bottom three, flg a tier ahead & libert, Weiner, and legacy stay too 3

Agree w/most, using any kind of ranking based on last season is most definitely inaccurate. So much movement in the off season.

Remember this is simply based off of any type of Fall ball and recent acquisitions/departures on field and staff. Don’t stress too much about any of this parents. A lot of lacrosse to be played. After Weiner, top 5 teams are similar in skill set and club offerings (Training, Recruiting Capabilities, Showcases attending etc)

YJ Weiner
Jesters Black
YJ Ramos
Liberty *invisible, so who knows
YJ Kildare
Lax On
YJ Osullivan
Top Guns Black
Empire Bengals
91 Bandits Orange
Top Guns Purple
91 Bandits Navy

Jesters? LOL
Sorry-Not better than Ramos, Liberty, Kildare , O’Sullivan, Top Guns , Lax On or Empire
The key acquisitions are all the players that didn’t make 91. And they took a bunch of them.

Wow - Suggest you might want to get your information elsewhere. Way off the mark. Out in left field for that matter. Heck, not even in the same ballpark. Or better yet, you may just follow a whole new sport in general ....LOL