Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
A post season watchlist with yet more Jv kids
Next time you should just call them out by name. Depends on what JV kids your talking about. JV SA kids are better then some varsity players at public schools.

JV SA kids are prob. much better than more than 3/4 of the Varsity players on other teams! Wait until next year and yiu will see. They totally belong in that list.

True but still not better than the 8 to 10 freshmen and sophomores on St Anthonys varsity every year. Playing time definitely going to be an issue for those girls moving forward. May want to reevaluate that $13,000 tuition you keep paying to an average academic catholic school if your kid is not going to get on the field. That public school you look down on so much may be a better option.

Since when were there 8 to 10 freshman and Sophmores on that Varsity team? More like 4 or 5 tops, and hardly ever a Freshman. I Don’t believe any Freshman this year? They have a lot of talent coming up and it will continue to be a very good team. True, if kids are not going to play on Varsity when they get to Varsity, maybe should re-evaluate the situation?