Originally Posted by Anonymous
As a parent who has gone through the recruiting process I have to comment because I think this poster is adding stress to an already stressful situation by their comment. Agree, girls should have gotten feedback from club/coaches and directors on interest after fall tournies and winter camps BUT to say no one is recruiting you if you have not heard is ridiculous. If you think coaches have set lists after the fall and one summer tournament and that no one can get on them is crazy. My daughter going through the process now was at UA 150 and AS last year. There were coaches at UA 150 but they seemed more focused on 23's. Coaches were 100% focused on 23's at AS so I'm not sure why you feel the fall was the end all be all for getting on a coaches radar. Yes many coaches have girls on their radar and there are always those that have greater interest initially, but this summer is still an opportunity for girls. My older daughter had some nice surprises on September 1st, so don't rule that out, but don't count on it either but it happens. Honestly the best thing you can do is not talk to other parents about your daughters process, because you will drive yourself crazy. Just enjoy the games and support your daughter. Good luck to everyone summer and fall!

Finally an informative post.