Originally Posted by Anonymous
Sorry Fake new alert!!

Kildare aren’t world beaters but they are much better than jesters. Jesters are struggling. Sorry but it’s true.
Need to get their house in order before they start calling out other more established teams.

I think the difference between Kildare and other 24 teams is they played their best and not all of their kids. Kids sat the sideline while the top 11 played the majority of the game. The other teams (Weiner and Ramos especially) played every kids equal so college coaches could see them all play. Your team sat kids this weekend and made them watch for three games while other kids played full games so you could win, but these are 2024s. What did your game plan to win do for them? Give them bragging rights? Our Weiner and Ramos teams are getting torn apart on her for a not so successful summer if you look at wins to losses, but what you don’t see is the interest the kids got from coaches and the opportunities ALL our girls got. I’m not talking about other clubs, just our own because we watched what you did at Maryland cup to make those championship games. It’s disposable.