Originally Posted by SAT1234
Its the Operators fault! They should have this nonsense covered in their vendor contracts. Fields were perfectly fine. Last years school girls event had twice the moisture and they played without issue. The average family spends well over a grand in travel expenses to attend these events. The fields were not clearly marked, no scorers at some of the games. TOB is a 3rd rate operation that looks like they have spread themselves a little too thin. They should be sending out apology letters along with a $25 gift card to every family that did not get their 4 games in. I mean seriously, they could not have offered some compensation to help repair the fields that would have made sense if indeed the rain met the threshold for canceling games. I can't fully express my disappointment leaving at 10 AM and driving home on a beautiful sunny day because of weather. Total Farce!

Agreed 100% It’s just unbelievable. Especially for recruiting age girls who have worked their buts off to be seen. An opportunity they can never get back. And the organizers could care less.