Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
LI teams looking real weak at LFTC.
Say that again, we didn’t even have 1 team make the quarter finals. md had 5, ny, ct, and nj each had one.

Terrible! The bees looked more like fly’s. I think the other LI clubs did better?

YJ 24 A’s gets a new coaching change one week before summer tournaments of recruiting year. New coach Doesn’t know the girls playing. The team got hosed a bit with this. Not the time for new coaching style and plays. Not the time for a learning curve! The team looks confused? It’s a shame, hopefully they pull it together fur their last few tournaments? Bad timing on “management” call!

They are bigger and slower than they should be. Need some athletes at both ends of field. Have 2-3 standouts right now.

They have had 3 different coaching situations in the last 3 tournaments! Coaching does matter, a lot! They have beaten a lot of the same teams in Fall and just recently in the last few tourneys. The coaching at LFTC was not good! It mattered!! Period.

Tell that to the college coaches! Nobody cares. You were duped by the club you walk around dressed head to toe in Bee gear. I actually feel bad for the team, but don’t know if any others are much better. It’s all about the daughters, the money and the butt lickers. If you think any different, you’re a fool.

Ramos got wrecked by a team ranked 25 when they’re 24.