Originally Posted by Anonymous
MIAA rules state that you can not play a sport at the age of 19.

That is misleading. You can't turn 19 before October of your senior year. There were 19 year olds on the fields of every MIAA team this spring. Baltimore holdback or pre-K playbook. The MIAA rules also state you can't play sports more than 4 years, hence the standard to do the repeating in grades before high school. When kids are plainly too old for the MIAA they can always do a boarding school year. The anew Englsnd leagues don't forbid 20 or 21 year olds. More than one generation ago my father was a 20 year old high school senior at a boarding school. But that was because he served in Korea, not because he was a sissy lacrosse player. The whole point to looser age standards was to give vets that chance. In Connecticut and in Massachusetts then it was unlawful to attend public secondary schools after the age of 19 without a special waiver. Sure the waiver was obtainable for vets, but it was burdensome to get. And these prep schools were very generous financially to admit vets regardless of ability to play.

Something tells me your 19 year old buttercups didn't serve country, so cut the crap and just eat it when people tease. You have no spines to stand straight up on.

You're welcome for setting this straight for you.