Originally Posted by Anonymous
I heard via a holdback crabs parent that there were 6 kids brought down and played on the team at beach lax. The reason the breakers vs crabs was so close was because the crabs played the non holdbacks (regular kids),because they knew all the holdbacks would be playig vs 91. They were losing so many of the holdbacks had to come in and "rescue" the team and win.Many of the regular crabs parents were pissed because their child who played all during the year didnt play much in this tournament.

If that is true, is pretty much closes the book on the Crabs owner. Not sure why it would be a walk of shame to leave the field having competed well against strong competition, especially when we are talking about youth lacrosse at the middle school level. Those six kids just learned that the important things to the Crabs not include sportsmanship, showing up to all practices and contributing to a team. I was an assistant coach in another D1 sport at an ACC school while getting a graduate degree. I feel blessed that I can communicate to my sons this truth: the easiest mark first day of practice at any high level college sport program is the lamb. The lamb is a nice kid, but without enablers just can't do anything on his own and doesn't get "it"...."it" is mental restraint to stay focused when unsettled. I can promise those six kids and families this much: weather this storm quietly and with dignity and after this season find another club program that has a philosophy to put these kids in a position to succeed and to fail and learn from each and have resolve and restraint through it. At any college program the coaches cannot just call time out or halt practice to right the ship when the needy kids struggle. The lambs join a fraternity or transfer in pretty short order. That you can always count on.