Originally Posted by Anonymous
Ok. You mentioned he is fat three times. I guess that strengthens your argument that he can't coach and/or his club is no good. You convinced me.

I'd say the argument against this guy has to do with his new present and not his past. Yes, he was a dominant club. He was able to send kids to D1 schools. He did this alongside a few other clubs, as ALL kids playing lax had a few select programs to go through. NOW, with the rise of a few hundred clubs across the country, he started to lose his footing among lax greatness. Rather than accept that there was more competition, he started to encourage families to derail their kids academic path, leave their grade level friends behind, repeat a year of curriculum they already passed and play down with younger kids on his teams. Voila- he looks like a gem because he can put more pics on his site of champions and the money rolls in. Do some of the kids get D1 spots? You bet- but guess what- those kids are rostered among more than many that didn't need to do so. Talented kids win games and get recruited on their own. Only a business man looking to make money off of a kid would ask them to redo a year of their life. When push comes to shove- those talented kids will fair better as they never had to play down. Talent never needs to play with younger kids. Can you imagine a top school asking their gifted kids to give up their AP classes and repeat a grade so they can get higher scores for the school? That's what these coaches are now doing. It's a desperate move to stay relevant in the lax world and to keep a business stable. Competition became too much and his coaching and club couldn't stay on top with all the other competition. When his teams had to play against their peers, we saw what happens. Crabs need their older players or else they are just a competitive team. Competitive isn't bad, but it certainly wasn't making the owner the money he once was. It's all about money. You can't keep bringing it back to the past, when the club had much less competition to thrive. D1 kids come from all clubs now and most don't need to play with younger kids to do so. It's a sad day when a parent derails their kids academic path for a business. If you truly had faith in your kid, you'd know he could make it on his own. Your decision to have a kid play down speaks volumes to your faith in your kid. Your club owner is smiling though.