Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Looks like all M&D teams except 31 have dropped in rankings compared to others. A few years back most were top 3 in all age groups. Now 25-28 have all taken a drop. Heros is top 3 in most age groups now!

Few years back? First, it is still a little early this year... as for last year all their teams finished in the top 4 last year by end of summer last season. 1,2,4,3,4,2 (24's thru 29s). The finished as the number 2 club overall in the rankings a mere .05 points behind YJ.

I wouldn't base anything off the fall. Not enough common opponents. Is 28 black struggling, sure one could make that argument. But I wouldn't hang my hat on fall/early spring rankings. So far this year the 31s,30s and 29s all beat Heros in the NGLL regular season. Only the 28s did not.

This conversation is had every fall/early spring and by end of season rankings M&D finishes near the top of every age group. Additionally, as for the High School teams, it is all about recruiting and no one can argue M&D's success in that area. Look at the '25 M&D team and tell me that isn't consider success regardless if they went from 2nd to 3rd in the rankings.

Heros is a fantastic program and deserves all the respect. With that said, suggesting M&D as a club is on the decline because of 28 blacks struggles is a stretch at best. Just be happy you're in the best region for lacrosse and your DD will get insane exposure in two years when it matters.

Not affiliated with M&D, but I would be very happy if my DD was, for a number of reasons, including the prior poster's point on recruiting. I guess I don't really understand an argument that M&D is struggling. Yes they have lost 2 games each to the top 3 teams (Eagle Stix, Hero's Green and Coppermine)--which appear to have separated themselves from the pack. Yes, they lost a one-goal game in NGLL to a Crush team that is playing great lacrosse. They have beaten every other team they have played. Sounds like the standard, that every M&D team must be top 3 at all times, AND beat Hero's during the season, is a pretty high bar.