Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So, no one left MDU or Crush? We have only heard of an FCA girl on Coppermine. Is this really the only movement? The rest of the teams will remain primarily the same? Seems off from all the potential movement talk a few weeks back.

Everything is arranged well in advance of tryouts. They are pointless except to fill up B teams, get rid of some problems and get everyone agitated.

Im not debating the validity of tryouts. I am saying there was supposedely going to be a decent amount of movement and pick ups. Tryouts or not, there still was no movement other than the FCA girl that was referenced a few threads back?

There's more movement than what's posted on here. All will find out soon enough....

Why so secretive? Tryouts are over? Who is benefiting from this movement?
After what happened to the M&D 2026 team last year. This year they are waiting to tell players their status.

Girls were absolutely told their status after tryouts. Red currently trying to fill the team with girls that did not tryout and were cut from other Lower A/B teams