Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not the PP, but simply put, Crush would struggle to beat any of those 4 teams next weekend. If you take the last year, Crush has not beaten Maryland United or Coppermine. Like it or not, Crush would not be the favorite to beat M&D, Maryland United, Eagle Stix or Coppermine. Also not debatable, Crush' schedule next weekend is very very easy.“

Not sure how you can make this assumption based off last year’s rosters. We have no idea which teams gained/lost talent. Unfortunately, the Fall season isn’t a great time to assess a teams strength as some will be missing players due to soccer, field hockey and other Fall sport’s commitments. I am just happy to see the girls back on the field.

I think this board has been pretty transparent about who gained and lost talent.

It has already been established that there wasn't a lot of movement between teams already in the top 5. So, the only thing that remains to be seen is who had the best pick ups from the lower A/ B teams.

How well crush would fare against any of the other top 4 teams was not the point of the original statement. It was that crush can win the championship with out playing even 1 tough team.