National Fall Lax Fest - Key Questions

With the updated schedule, the A pool, Candles, gets 3 teams into the bracket playoffs. Looks like Coppermine, Eagle Stix, and Crush, all have clear paths to the playoff. None of them play each other, and Crush plays three teams ranked #19 or higher last year. So key questions for Sunday:

--Will Coppermine cruise, or is "soccer" causing them to miss key players?

--Is Eagle Stix back, or is their swoon at the Mid-Atlantic in July a sign of a changing competitive landscape?

--Will Crush take advantage of their clean run to the bracket to surprise one of the big two in the playoff?

--Is Sky Walkers, with their rumored influx of talent (including from Coppermine), a dark horse candidate to make the bracket?

--Is M&D, M&D again?

--What does the new-look MDU have in store for opponents; can they rely on other options to score?

--Does the second tier group of the Candles pool (FCA, Pride, NXT, Stars) pull off any upsets against any of the top 10?