Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Shhhh. You're gonna get all the parents that wasted hundreds on a camp thinking Cathy Reese is gonna offer a scholarship to them offended.

It very well may be a money grab, but its not about the potential interaction with college coaches, it is about the possibility of getting to interact with the pros and the women they look up to. There aren't many opportunities for girls to see the women they see on TV in person, so it is definitely a cool concept for the younger girls. Lacks some execution, but the idea is great. So your comment is dead wrong that people attending it are thinking about recruiting. Quite the opposite. Let them be little and enjoy their "fan girl" moments with the pros while they are still into that.

Well said. Let the kids be kids and enjoy something different. This is no different than American Select or UA that everyone loves here. Getting a chance to see or work with the pros will be something they can enjoy and talk about.

Ignore the haters here, they complain and whine and put down everything here. They are miserable for other people's success and envious of others.

It may be true in some instances that people are envious and miserable for other’s success, but not when it comes to AU Futures. Everyone who tried out for this event was invited, so nothing to envy. Overly cynical and judgmental is probably more accurate.