Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
8th grade lax, time to start prioritizing if you are on the #1 team in country. That's just me though. If you play on a top-5 soccer team in country, prioritize that.

Totally. Can’t be missing games for another sport at this point. Selfish and a lack of dedication.

Sounds like dedicated to their in season sport. It is Fall. Selfish that you care about someone else's daughter besides your own.

8th grade fall tourneys missed for soccer, not a problem. 9th grade fall tourney's missed, still not a major problem. 10th grade and 11th grade is height of recruiting, fall lax takes precedent if player intends to play in college and be recruited.

Why are you on a club lacrosse team if you don't intend to play in college? If you intend to play in college why are you missing 9th grade club games for other sports? BTW this goes both ways.