Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Maybe that's there way of telling you to stay in the B division.

Hey Karma. Every club director got the email!

I assume they made this change because people were complaining that the North/South divisions were not fair and the VA teams were complaining about traveling so far for games. Although the North/South divisions weren't always equal across age groups at least they were somewhat consistent. Hopefully if they agreed to get rid of them then some thought will go into the scheduling at each grade level to make sure things are somewhat even. With 16 teams registered for "A" and only 8 games, then you avoid 7 teams. Imagine the complaining/unfairness if one of the top teams has to play the other 4 while one of the other top teams avoids them all. Or if one of the borderline A/B teams somehow avoids the top teams and ends up in the playoffs?

So you’re nervous your top team won’t make the playoffs because you’re losing to the top teams in your bracket? Why would your team deserve to make the playoffs then? Is it because it was easier in the past, because there was half the amount of teams in the A bracket?

Historically, at this age, doesn’t the NGLL ramp up in size? This isn’t something new, correct? Looking at the 2027 A and the older teams in the past with NGLL, 16 teams seems average at this age.

Who is saying a team won't make the playoffs if they switch from the division format to 1 giant pool of good and bad teams? Let's say M&D has a schedule where they play 8 games, all against the "Top 8" teams. That's a Schedule of Coppermine, Crush, Hero's, MDU, Pride, Skwalkers, maybe CCLax or Hero's White. Let's give M&D a 6-2 record. Now let's take a lower level team who gets to play the bottom 8 teams and goes 7-1. They finish ahead of M&D in the standings with a higher seed and based on how other teams do, possibly miss the playoffs while a weaker team plays a weaker schedule and gets into the playoffs. It's hard to believe the people arguing here over the A bracket and playoff teams can't see this. As pointed out, this happened last year with the 27 bracket due to 1 division being much weaker than the other. Now you have 16 teams and only 8 games. 1 top team could play the 8 toughest teams out there while another top team or lower team plays 1 or 2 tough teams, has a better record and gets into the playoffs. Who is saying its easier to make the playoffs? The top 4 playoff teams for 28 A last year were the 4 teams that deserved it and proved to be the best 4.

To the comment on Top teams rosters and playing or not playing. The bottom of the Top 5 teams rosters is better than 95% of the lower level teams top players, so before anyone gets on their horse about how players aren't making an impact, only 11 players can start, and you need to have subs.[/quote]

I'm not sure this is true. There are some very good players on teams outside the Top 5. A team of the best girls from outside the Top 5 would be pretty legit. Even the best players from the lower teams in the DC area would be pretty good, and that is exactly what happens at the high school level when the girls from lower teams combine to play for Capital.