Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Whooaaaa Nelly! Watch out...less than a week until chaos!

Predictions on the number of new players each of the top teams will pick up or lose?

Will be a big change for some. Clubs that think they will be on top will find out soon enough.

My prediction: very little change among the top teams. The top players on Coppermine, MDU, and Crush will not leave for M&D or Hero's, nor, despite the optimism, SW. Same good teams competing next year. Teams not named Coppermine need to figure out a way to stop them. The top players on the Maryland top 5 will have successful recruiting processes even without one of the top historical names on the front of their jersey.

The attendance at practices and private workouts says otherwise.

So you have insight into who is attending multiple teams practices and "private workouts"? Unless you are a coach at one of the teams, this sounds made up. And even then you wouldn't have insight into what's happening at the other teams. Don't say "people talk". The smart ones don't about decisions like these.

You obviously don’t have a daughter on one of the top teams. There have been new players at all of their practices and some players have attended multiple teams practices. You don’t need to have “people talk”, the girls friends with girls across teams and word travels fast.