Our 2021 team does not have one 15 year old yet, I understand that by end of 2017 the team if it stays the same will have one which has a Dec 2002 birthday. I called our director and asked for our team and I wrote this as just curious of the few previous posts which said 15 year olds for 2021 and 14 for 2022 teams as my son is turning 14 in Oct of this year. Was out at the NLF tourney this weekend and saw the size and maturity of some of the 2021 kids on some of the teams like Eclipse, Team 91, the Boston Black team (what a difference in size and maturity as compared to their yellow team in the same 2021 year) , just curious the actually age of some of them. I know this is when their body changes. One of the other parents said they thought some of the kids were already 15 and turning 16, on some of the teams. Does anyone know when rosters are submitted are birthdates included. Also who runs the NLF as I thought it was strange that Team 91 played one tough game in league play and the other tougher teams played each other. As they lost to Eclipse but yet made the playoffs and Eclipse did not and they had the same 3-1 record but Eclipse played tougher teams. Another game which seemed spirited was Express losing to Icon, for the most part can't say I saw any kids I thought were 15-16 years on either of those teams.