Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Why would I be joking. Answer me this, did Ambush win a couple of tournaments registered in the A bracket? Answer is umm, yes. Are you the authority on who is an A team and who is not? Who makes this list of A teams? Do I have to win in a A bracket? That part is done. What about the teams that constantly lose in your so called elitist A tournaments? Are they A teams? I don't think that Ambush can beat Blaze, Black Ice or Express (Schriber/Channy or the other 9 million coaches they had). Do I think they can compete in your elitist "A" tournaments? Yup I do. Plus let's face facts, they have won A brackets before.

Your post proves everyone's point. You say you " think " Ambbush can competete with A teams. That shows you know they have not played A teams this year. As for winning A brackets again just because a bracket is called A it does not Mean A teams are playing in it. Empire is not an A team. They made the championship. I will give you the last word because this is going in circles but until they play A teams not B teams playing in A bracket called A you can't show they can compete with out speculating. Good luck.

Psychoanalyzing my entire post based on one word. Ok, my turn:

Your use of the word "everybody", indicates you think every person thinks the way you do=Narcissist
Your miss spelling of the word Ambush indicates the lack of attention to detail.
The capitalization of M in the word mean goes directly to the type of personality you have.
The fact that you attempt to give me permission to have the last word indicates control issues.
And finally, the senseless bashing of yet another non "A" team.
HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES. Quote from one of my A list actors, I think anyway.