Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Let's be honest here. All of these big club programs are in business to make money. The NLF clubs are blocking Igloo players and teams from their events because they feel that Igloo is taking away business. The idea that this should be all about the kids is unrealistic at this point - there is just too much money to be made. NLF clubs have been telling parents that they need to have their boys play for NLF teams if they want to get recruited. Igloo created the Elite 80 event to show parents the they have influence with college coaches and can help boys get recruited. NLF club players were invited to the event and did not sign up. It is obvious that the NLF guys did something to stop the boys from going. That is flat out wrong. They are entitled to make their money and even black ball Igloo but dictating terms to their players crosses the line.
My Kid Is an NLF Player, In 8th Grade I didnt see the need to go to the elite 80. In My opinion its just to early. My Kid has Plenty of time to get a look. I think it was a great thing that Igloo did. If I wanted to go, I would not have even said anything to my club.
