Originally Posted by Anonymous
I would like some insight on something pertaining to high school coaches. Do they have a major input on getting players from their hometown team to play on the club where they coach? Seems to be the case, but really don't know for sure. Does the Elevate coach at Northshore have her athletes play for here there. Just like I hear the rants that all of the girls might follow the TG coach (from Islip I believe) who left to go to Legacy. Just putting it out there. I would guess these coaches would want their athletes playing for them outside of school as well.

There's tremandous pressure from most of the HS coaches to play for the clubs that they are affiliated with - both boys and girls, that's why you see clubs hiring as many as possible. It's really quite an obscene pay to play scam that should be stoppped by the NYS HS athletic commission. I personally know a kid who was just coerced into switching clubs, because it doesn't look good for the kid to be playing against the school coaches club team during the summer - very sad that all these athletic directors, school boards and superintendents let this go on. I think that there is an entire thread dedicated to this on here