Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
No recluse at all.just a lax parent with a few more dollars in my pocket.

It"s not even a question of a extra money in your pocket, it is more a question of how the club your daughter plays for spends your money, the quality of tournaments the club picks out for your team. ALL the clubs have several cheesy tournaments they attend, especially the lower teams. When many of the teams in an age group are not up to snuff, it is not good business to bring to all tournaments where they take a beating. So yes, if these clubs are going to have 3, 4, 5 teams per age group, they better provide several feel good tournaments. If your a parent involved with the clubs top team from one of the top clubs, you want quality tournaments. The only problem with an elite team tournament like this is it causes internal strife as only the top teams in the club go. Look at the mess u15 causes internally at TG.

The club should attend most tournaments as a whole unit. Most tournaments are set up with brackets based on ability. Rate your team properly. play in right division and you can compete and feel good. As for internal mess at TG due to U15, parents need to be realistic not everybody goes, Reality is that not everyone can go to Northwestern or Maryland either, Its ok. Daughter did not make u15 as a 2016, was not a Elite 120 invite, and certainly not a "stud". She got plenty of exposure going to tournaments like Lax Inception, Capitol cup and Rivalry, is a good solid lacrosse player and has recently committed to the school of her choice. Be patient and realistic