Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by teamelevate
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Great job by Team Elevate trying something new. Seems TG is very helpful in recruiting process also.

Does anyone have real details about what Elevate is doing? What schools, how many days, is it open to non-Elevate players?

I did not want to hijack the TG thread but I thought that if you wanted the details I would let you know them. This is a team organized event and not a parent event. We are visiting the following schools via a coach bus in this order Yale, UCONN, Boston College, Harvard, Brown, Bryant, Connecticut College and Fairfield.

I think it is a great idea.

My friends daughter attended this trip and said it was incredible. They said that she has not stopped talking about it since she got back. I do not have all of the details but was told that they met with all of the schools listed above, met the coaches and had Q&A time with players at each school, saw the locker rooms, training facilities at most of the school as well as private tour of each school, had meals with some of the teams and coaches and watched practices and scrimmages. Said it was very well organized and a great way to really see and hear from a variety of colleges as you start to get introduced to looking at schools. If anybody attended and can add or comment would love to hear more.

All I can say is that Elevate has raised the bar for what a travel team could do for our children. Great job Elevate.

If you think that any club can or will be a better advocate for your child then you are you're in for a big let down. Remember everyone in the recruiting process is selling you something that most of them can't deliver. You can be a solid C student, but Harvard won't discourage you from sending in your application accompanied by your CHECK, knowing full well that you have no shot at being accepted - this is one of the biggest scams in the entire college admissions process. When it's not about the money, it's always about the money. This concept seems like an extension of the nanny state that we are becoming, perhaps parents should take responsibility for their own kids and have a plan in place, make sure that their grades are good and their expectations are realistic - just a thought.