Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]"With all your great lacrosse knowledge to bad you still can't read a schedule.At the Grind there are two divisions in the age group Grit and Shred. Each division has 2 Pools A & B the winners of each play for a Championship. But no sense in explaining you know everything"

Typical TG , go back and look at the schedule your TG black team is in the grit division which is clearly the lesser division ie other teams B teams and has an A and B groupings with a total of 11 teams. The other 2019 division is the Shred division which has 16 total teams with A, B C D groupings and clearly has the more competitive teams in it. National Draw your TG black team again elected to play in a week pool. The facts don't lie, my guess your boy BS will now say it was a mistake and will switch purple and blacks placement to save face, sadly we all know he really wants them in the weaker division , gotta get that team a championship somehow.

What age are you crying about? Win your bracket, meet them in the finals and beat them. If all roads lead to the finals how can anybody be crying, you sound pathetic.
Not crying donkey , just curious why your TG 2019 team avoids the better competition. But thanks for your useless input , all roads are not equal and the different divisions do not cross over so your TG black team can win the championship of the c level teams congrats.

Why are you so concerned with 19 black? Lets think about why you are so angry and consumed. Back in the summer of 2012 your daughter played for TG . When 2013 tryouts rolled around your daughter didn't make black. So you took her to YJ and she made one of the secondary teams. Be happy with the decision you made for your daughter and stop worrying about what you left.
