Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Actually, speaking as a MD parent, I come on here because I find it hilarious how vindictive and hateful YJ and TG are to each other. My daughter plays for M&D and honestly has no feeling like this toward Skywalkers, TLC, etc. Of course they don't like losing to them, but she has friends from school on all those teams. Do you want to lose to them? Of course not. But the vitriol that is spit out on here? I've honestly never heard that from MD parents about other MD teams.

Much of the vitrol comes from parents here on Long Island because it is sickening to see some of these YJ parents walk their child in on a pedestal to a PAL or HS event and act like they are the cat's meow all because they think their kid is better than everyone else because their kid is an "Elite" Yellow Jacket (and yes some girls are very good, but no more than 1 in 12 yellow jackets can say they are good, especially when there are 6-10 good girls on a blue team and then 4-6 other teams in that age group of average to poor players). But everyone regardless of who they are, think they are elite because they pay their fee and get a jacket that says elite on it.

Then you have the coaches of PAL who kids have been playing YJ since 3rd grade and are on a blue team as a legacy or political favor (in 5th or 6th grade because once they get to HS they usually get dropped from those teams to make way for Northport girls or other HS girls connected to the directors) (we will keep your kid up here if you keep sending more kids for our 3rd 4th 5th and 6th teams. These guys think their sh*t don't stink and walk around like they are the foremost expert on Lacrosse and you should be priveldged to talk to them or have your daughter on the same field as them (of course everything is built around showcasing their daughter on the field too). These guys you want to just punch in the face.

The problem with YJ parents is that they think that they are Long Island Lacrosse and there is no room for anyone else. They have bought into that even is your daughter is on the 2nd or 3rd team (or4th or5th) they are elite and better than any other clubs 1st team girls.

That is why you are hated and why other parents can't stand you. Dispute it all you want (and there are some rational parents in YJ, but you are over-shadowed by the other (which unfortunately rational YJ parents are out numbered in YJ land).

I guess that makes sense. It does baffle me that there are enough girls to field 4 and 5 teams per age. M&D only had 30 girls show up for their 2021 tryouts and they won everything they played in last year. I can't think of a program in MD that has more than two teams per age. Granted, there are a lot more options down here(M&D, Hero's, Skywalkers, TLC, etc), but I agree, paying the same freight to be on the 4th YJ team seems silly. I would hope that the parents of the 4th team girls aren't arrogant, but if so, I understand your point.