Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
TG parents please stay together. Have a meeting with BS and keep the 2020 all star team together. You have the greatest players bc all you daddies are all the best coaches. Tell BS you all want to coach. 24 coaches for 24 kids. That's a great player to coach ratio. You all want to coach and could do it better than anyone so you should propose it. TG 4 Life

I have a better idea..... If you are not happy that your kid isn't the best player on the team get together with a couple of the kids on the team and take them to YJ. While you are doing that cut a deal with YJ so you can be an assistant coach.

Nice , very typical TG parent response, you have stood on the sidelines with some of these people for years and pretended to be friends and because for what ever reason they decide to switch lax programs they become your enemy . It's a game loser , there are more important things than what club your kid plays for but w people like you no wonder kids are leaving TG in droves .

Talk about PRETENDING. I was at a school varsity field hockey tournament this weekend in Great Neck and was listening to 3 Garden City moms talk about YJ, the club their 3 kids play on. They were totally mocking the luau and then went off about the cruise YJ is running. They were all making fun of CR and mocking her and these events and I am sure they are the ones that will be kissing up to her at tryouts. Now that is pretending.