Originally Posted by Anonymous
I agree. A total waste of time. My daughter is on 2020 black. There is no system in place, the girls are scattered around doing drills that they did as 3rd graders. How is it helping the girls when half of the girls still have trouble catching the ball. At least keep the teams separated. To have the girls practice with girls that they will never play with on the field is a complete waste of time.

Can only half agree, what I do get to see, as well as Shannon gets to see is all the girls get exposed for what they are. Some girls who made black and don't belong, purple girls who clearly belong on black and so on. If nothing else this should serve as a extended tryout better enabling Shannon to sort the girls out for the following year.I am familiar with most all age groups and do not think they do a good job sorting out the talent, and mainly because she really doesn't know all the girls well. Some of the girls on my daughters team clearly don't belong on black and I see many purple girls who I would love to see moved up.But then there are the politics.