Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
But that YJ 2015 team is unbeatable. They dominate. Aren't they the team that never lost?

Love how top guns just can't stop talking about YJ on their own website!
Perhaps you shouldnt care so much about another club?

Both sets of parents are so caught up in each other, it's unbelievable...half the time, what you're reading is from a parent from the other club, so don't be so sure it's a TG or YJ parent...
I have come to an epiphany as of late (and I'm sure you will get a chuckle out of this sage). I think that we all owe the directors of the 3 major girls clubs an equal and sincere debt of gratitude and thanks. And I truly mean every parent, and every player from all 3. With my daughter nearly done reaching the goal, I now have a chance to see how even though there was a good amount of rivalry, companionship, and hart ache all three directors have helped each and very girl on all three clubs grow into (mostly) good woman that no the meaning of perseverance, hard work, and intestinal fortitude. our girls learned how to pick themselves up and continue on when they lost, got cut , or faced a myriad of other obstacles. They learned how to lose with dignity, and win with grace, all because these 3 woman. We may not always agree with the tactics, or politics, but the healthy rivalry between the 3 clubs is intricate to these lessons.

To the parents of the younger clubs, try not to be to concerned with who beats who, or what club is the best, truth is all these girls are fantastic athletes that we parents either wish we still were, or could have been. Each club has a different style, just like each girl is different, so though you may not have been chosen for a club, only means that your daughter doesn't play that "brand" of lacrosse. Try not to get to into wins and loses, and enjoy the time you spend with your athlete, because that time is fleeting, and hopefully she'll be playing for a D1 that may be too far away for you to ever see her play again
In closing let me say thank you to Carol, Shannon, and Danielle. for all the lessons you teach our daughters

Hardly an epiphany to say the least