Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This sounds like an obnoxious YJ parent. The TG purple in some age groups is very good, not sure about white. The TG coaches want people who have TG as their first choice, like the poster above says. YJ has four or five teams basically comprised of whoever else is left. TG wants people who want to be there, not just people who haven't made anything else, and the YJ Gold and Blue is good, but the other teams are basically just to fund the top teams.

And what exactly do you call the TG white team?

Last year the parents referred to it as the "white trash" team based on how they were treated.

I would add to this that after my daughters B team beat up on TG White team this summer, I was talking to a parent and told them I was surprised that the White team was not A LOT better. She said that she knew that they weren't going to be good when a lot of kids turned down invites after tryouts. She said she knew she had made a mistake but her daughters friend played on Black so she wanted to stay. So, your 11, 12, 13 year old kid makes decisions for different reasons than parents do. Your kid doesn't know the repercussions of her decision at that age, that is why they have parents. White team will have a lot of turnover as many people won't return and those spots are available for a reason. Do your kid a favor and do see what else is out there before you settle for what your kid says she will be OK doing versus what may make her truly happy. I know those white parents had a long summer last year and spent a lot if time and money and were very disappointed. You have a few more weeks to look elsewhere. The costs of other tryouts is nothing compared to what an entire bad summer may bring. Think it through.

From another parent.

This is not meant to be mean, but.... the players that make up the roster on the white team are exactly what they are, third team players, the team is a product of the players on it. If you go to anothet club, expect the same. Unless your daughter is the best on the white team and being politically surpressed, maybe that is the team she belongs on. Truth is the travel clybs have become much more popular and many more girls are playing, not all of them are YJ blue or TG black players despite what mom or dad thinks.

I completely agree with this poster. If you make the B or A team at another club, you are playing somewhere that just isn't as good as TG or YJ. It is possible your kid had a bad day at tryouts, but don't just use that as an excuse for not making black. Overall, your kid will move up if they improve, but don't send them to play for another team in the same level of competition. If you make A or B somewhere else, you must be in the same level of competition as the team you made before, or your daughter would not have made it.as much as you think your daughter is the best one out there, she probably isn't, no one really is, so accept what TG offers you if you want, or go somewhere else, but the competition is virtually the same.

NOT true at All - the 2nd and 3rd teams on TG are not that good and have seen them lose to many other clubs often. Even 2021 Black went 1-3 at National Dram so even their best teams aren't great. Don't listen to the brainwashed TG parents and ask a 2018 white parent how many loses they had last year.