Originally Posted by Anonymous
Exactly... BS taking the JY model. At least all the chatter now can stop about YJ being the only money grab around

In defense of BS and CR, if they have 90-100 girls trying out for their programs at each age level, and they could provide coaches for each team, why wouldn't they add additional teams to service a demand for their product. What should be done with the 50 or so girls who don't make the the a or b team in their age division? If those kids and their parents want them involved with travel lacrosse why not? If their parents don't want to pay that fee they can try out for another less expensive club. But if the demand is there then they should offer the service, and grow the game.

P.S. Black,Purple, White, Blue, Yellow, Green its all a money grab whether your on the top team or the third team (or 5th team in YJ case).