Originally Posted by Anonymous

Why organize it on a "team" basis? When you have 15 teams going to a single tournament, why not organize it on a "club" basis. And, I am not comparing clubs or teams or talent but I do see other clubs doing this on a "club" level and NOT at a team level. I see clubs like Elevate that have tons of people at their tent, not just single teams, it shouldnt be that hard to organize. I think it would add another dynamic to the club and help build more of a belonging to a club and not just being on a team. Just a thought.

Because teams play on different fields that are often far-flung.

Trying to get a club to "camp" together would be chaos, and each team would probably end up sitting together anyway by virtue of sitting with whom you are familiar.

There are times when more than one team ends up in the same location, but that happens organically, when we're on the same fields, or when siblings are involved.

But hey, if you feel it should happen on a club level, contact your director. Be warned, those who make suggestions often end up organizing!