Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Dad of a middle school kid playing for one of the big brand "elite" clubs in maryland but going to a public school system not known for lax hoping for some answers/advice...

1. Our "elite" club has been averaging 17 D1 commits per year. In your experience, how many of those kids are recruited and brought in during high school vs. being developed from middle school? My kids probably in the top 25% of our team but is not one of the key studs. What type of turnover should I expect come 9th grade?

2. If my kid does develop, is he screwed because he doesn't go to a private school with a reputation? Several team dads say that school is more important than club in getting visibility.

I appreciate any advice...

For this years "elite" 2027s it didn't seem like there was a lot of turnover between 8th and 9th - maybe 3 or 4 kids per team. I don't know where a bunch of kids would come from between 9th and 10th to make that number bigger next year so I would guess it will be about the same. Maybe some 24/25 parents could chime in with what they experienced.

As far as visibility goes, I think if your kid is a "starter" they will get plenty of visibility through their club. I think the bigger issue is lack of development during high school if your kid is not at a strong program. Private schools do way more in the offseason and the competition (particularly at practice) and coaching are generally much better. I don't think you can reproduce that with private training.

Correct. your terrible public high school program won't get your kid the quality reps he needs. You've probably already noticed his decline in skill and playing time. Then there's the quality of outreach by the high school. A club alone won't get your kid there. You've got a several strikes. First, the public school won't have the same reputation as a private school with regard to education preparedness and with lacrosse skill. You'll have to prove you can afford the college, and your kid can handle the load. With privates, it's assumed. If your kid doesn't stand out physically at a public, then he's way down the line. When theres a tie, universities go with the privates. It's just easier.

Not impossible, but much harder.