Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I think you all are looking at the wrong teams to improve this year.

But I’ll let you be surprised in the spring when fca wins it all.

Now this is funny! You must be an FCA parent. We can all see the stats of their first fall tournament. 1-1-1. That team has been trying to rebuild for years. Good luck

Thanks for the chuckle, but FCA isn't going to be a factor in spring HoCo. They may pick up some new players, and I am sure that their current players are growing like fool and getting better, but everybody else is doing the same. Hawks are the overwhelming favorite to win for the umpteenth year in a row. NextLevel has the talent and the depth to match the Hawks, but the Hawks own them mentally, and will beat them (again) when it counts. The wildcard is Crabs, as a PP said, because they will load up on holdbacks and BL boarders, so you may see a brand new team of massive sized players in Crabs uniforms. But Hawks and NextLevel should beat the rest of the division, including FCA, without breaking much of a sweat. For the record I am NOT a Hawks parent and that is my objective assessment - trust me, it will age nicely.

Rumor is crabs lost a large amount of players after last year failed marriage of existing crabs and fca kids. Don’t see them moving from middle of division