Making attack on ML27 would be harder than expected even though I agree they are thin. Head coach's son plays lefty attack and shouldn't be on the cap team at all never mind the starter who plays 100% of the game. It's been a huge issue the last couple of years (same on 28s where the coach moved his kid to attack and is average compared to their original starters) and has led to some of the original ML kids leaving for other clubs.

Daddy ball happens everywhere in lacrosse, I know, but it is very prominent on ML 28, 27 and 24 age groups to the detriment of better athletes and boys who have been loyal to the program from the beginning. Just ask the kids/parents (they all talk) and they will tell you the same thing....especially the kids who have left or the large groups of them thinking about leaving because of it. They are not a happy parent group.

Surprises me that NL is going down this road. It always appeared to me that the NL owner was more loyal to the long time customers than ML. It's an unfortunate development. I don't have a dog in the fight because my kid plays for a different club now but I know a lot of ML parents across a large swath of age groups. It's an oft discussed topic. Maybe some sour grapes here, but doesn't mean it's not true...fwiw