Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Why would the Hawks fogo leave for Sidewinders? And was the Hawks goalie in the fall the same as the last couple of years? He doesn't look like the same player I remember. Maybe they were playing a different goalie in the game I saw.

#1 fogo held back
Goalie is the same kid.

But why Sidewinders? Why not stay with the Hawks with the old coach now with the 28's. And that is a problem in goalie. He's good but is now way too small. He can barely reach the top of the cage with his stick outstretched. It's not a dig on the kid but an observation of how all the players, opponents included, are just so much bigger.

I still think Hawks will figure it out and end up on top. Next Level will be 2nd again, Crabs 3rd and Madlax/Team MD/FCA/Sidewinders fighting it out for 4th with Team 91 at the bottom again.

That’s the backup Hawks goalie. Please stop talking about anything you have no idea about.