Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I will give the lax dads of the 2026s props...compared to the 2027s, there is not as much of (at this moment), "Well my son is HIGHLY recruited and got a personal call from X coach at X HS."

That being said, it's a hard process, even with Lax Eliteness. From what I know of past years, % admission to the various HS is not a walk in the park. The least restrictive......Curley and MSJ, accept about 50% of applicants. The academically more prestigious large MIAA-A schools (Gilman, McD, Loyola) accept about 25%. Severn, St Marys, St Pauls and BL.......I think closer to 10% these days because the middle schools are swelling with kids whose parents got fed up with public schools during covid. Not an indicator of athletic or academic eliteness but certainly competitive.

A few of those schools MAY only accept 10% at the HS level. But it's all a shell game-

Most Baltimore locals also know that some of those super selective schools let almost ANYONE in at the Middle school and 8th grade level.

Were you denied HS admissions at our "selective" school? Do you have questionable middle school grades heading into HS?

Just retake 8th grade...with us!

Where do you think "academic" and "development" holdbacks originally came from?

It's been happening at some of these schools for DECADES.

I'm a Towson dad of an MIAA MS kid who plays a few rec sports on his days off from lax/football. And I'll tell you exactly who makes this specific comment:

Moms of kids who are capable of MIAA academics and sports but choose to stay public.

Where the above comment is motivated from is

1) that there are a few kids (Gilman, SP, Loyola) who....yeah it's hard to know how they convinced the school to admit them. Boys Latin....maybe more than a few.

2) The moms of those kids, in some cases, strut around like they are hot stuff because their kid got into Gilman/LB/BL/SP in 6th grade.

3) Annoyed public school mom recognizes that some of the newly minted MIAA Athlete Geniuses are less smart and less athletic than her kids.

4) Comment generated: "these schools let almost ANYONE in!"

The fact is that MS admission rate is <50% for 6th grade at every school, and closer to 10% at 7th and 8th grade. Even at big bad mediocre Loyola, they are looking to add 10 new kids in 7th grade and 10 more in 8th grade before adding 100 (out of 400 applicants) in 9th grade.

Do you think they can't be or aren't selective with 10 spots to play with?

Even in 6th grade, these schools are looking to fill 25-60 spots. Do you really think just 50 kids apply lol. "oh they let anyone in these places!"

Yeah. Maybe.

Your argument points out something interesting when you shine the light on the fact that: Families have a 50% chance to get in at Middle school. And there are plenty of kids who have no right being in those schools, but get in anyway.

Promising the MS kids a spot in the high school, but then being "selective" with those final few spots, does not make a school selective.

It means the schools prefer kids/families enter at middle school.

It's a sales/marketing technique.

Many parents opt for free public or cheap(er) private school through middle school. So this technique of admissions helps ensure the middle school stays full.

You're in way over your head with your straw man argument. At <50% acceptance in middle schools, that is still a selective process, which doesn't mean that some duds aren't admitted....they are.

2022 acceptance rates, that in your words would be "not competitive" and "not selective".

So you opted to get your kid enrolled early during Middle School.
The marketing worked on you.