Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Can anyone explain the NLF to me? I understand that there are an original 6 and also a group of affiliates. Seems to be alot of BS associated with these tournaments/teams....For instance, let's say you were a club on LI and your team was called something like "Team 19" (this is hypothetical). Let's say there was a strong club also on LI and let's say their team name was "Door 2 Door". Did you know in the NLF book of secrets/bylaws that if you're one of these Original 6 you can block a club from playing in these NLF tournaments? I just find it funny that on the front page of the NLF website in big bold letters it says "IRON SHARPENS IRON". This blocking rule flies completely in the face of true competition and is chicken BLEEP. Does anyone from other areas know of similar situations??? In the end we are talking about clubs, grown men, supposed ambassador's of the sport denying kids from the opportunity to compete which in my opinion flies in the face of why we even play sports and compete.

Your understanding is basically correct, but you should not get preachy or worked up about it. Elite level travel lacrosse is a very profitable big business (if done right) and the clubs compete against each other in every way they possibly can, just like all businesses do. These six programs formed a clever opportunity to freeze out competitors and they seized it. Good for them. But there are tons of opportunities for kids to play lacrosse at every level from rec up to elite. To get upset because your son's team does not play in any particular tournament is self-inflicted agony and a first world problem. Trust me, your son will survive, and if he is a good player with good grades, the college coaches will find him just fine.

Didn’t sound preachy to me. I believe he called it chicken bleep, which that is exactly what it is, chicken bleep

it sounded like the poster (and you) have a chip on your shoulder about your son's program not getting to play in NLF. trust me, it is not that big a deal and not worth getting upset about. I have two sons in different programs, one who plays NLF and one who doesn't, and it just doesn't matter. but if it is important to you, then just have your son join one of the many programs that does play. it is not limited to just those six.