Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Son plays for the Crabs. 91 gave us fits this year. Needed all 4 Q to beat them. They had some good players all over the field.
National ID Camp is good. It's a Crabs run camp. My son did it last year. Old-school overnight camp atmosphere.
Lots of very good players from around the nation. Nice location, but a tad far out of the way from the Baltimore DC area. Kid had a blast and really enjoyed meeting kids from other clubs.
Given the gouging that goes on in lax, I thought it was one of the better deals for the money, to be honest with you.

Original replier here. I agree with all of that, mine has done Navy and Apex and a bunch of the other eLiTE!!!1 camps. This was his favorite. The old school camp atmosphere I think makes it feel special to the boys. You’re out in the country and it’s just lax and hanging out. Top 20-50 clubs last year were well represented. He said competition was great.

I have not been that impressed by Navy camps over the last few years. Perhaps they've improved or better in the older years. It was pricier then other camps, had few actual Navy lax people and just other issues.