Daddy ball is becoming a HUGE issue at ML, and I am an ML parent so I am saying this with first hand knowledge. It has killed the 24 and 27 teams. To say otherwise is simply spin. There are also constant stream of complaints with the 28 parents and now the 29s brought on a 2nd dad coach to replace the former dad coach who moved down to coach his kid in the 2030s. It's not a surprise that the most consistent team (and happy parents) in the ML family are the 25 and 31 classes. Why? Because it's one of the few non-dad head coaches at ML.....and he coaches both teams. It will be a shame if the ML28s (or 29s) blow up like the 24/27s -- and it came close to it this past summer -- because they have been one of the better teams in their age group since they picked up a stick.

Parents want to be involved, but they shouldn't be head coaches with the power to play their kids over more talented athletes.