Originally Posted by Anonymous
The difference this year is that the girls are caught in the middle of a conflict between two coaches who don't like each other. Elevate girls have been told by their varsity coach that they are the reason there is a rift on the team. There is no rift on the team. All of the girls get along well and are very kind to one another. But there are D1 committed girls who sit on the bench, who are phenomenal players. This is not just about playing time. This is about dampening the spirits of girls who love lacrosse and come to practice every day. It is an unfortunate abuse of power. Yesterday during senior day, one of the two senior goalies, who hasn't played ONE MINUTE this season, wasn't even granted the dignity of playing an entire half. How her coach could smile and hug her at the end of her last home game is beyond me. For the record, I am not a parent of a goalie, but that situation is the most egregious example of how not to coach young women. And for those who will say "Oh she must not be that good." All of the goalies on our team are great and do not deserve the humiliation of never playing. I would bet that even the goalie who gets to play 95% of the time would agree, because she is a great kid- like all of the girls. This problem has nothing to do with anything the girls have done. If anything, these benched girls (one going to UNC and one to American- they must be terrible) should be given a medal for their composure and continued devotion to their teammates.

I am outsider and know nothing about the program other than following in newsday. Are you saying that there is a UNC lacrosse commit who does not play ? or not start ? Not starting maybe. Not playing, something is wrong. There are very few programs where any D1 commit Doesn't play at all. And I mean very few.