Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Too many bad coaches at the HS level. Manhasset, Northport, and CSH coaches win games because they have outstanding players. The three of them (just using examples, there are plenty more) are verbally abusive and self-centered. They should not be getting paid to teach children. I have close friends on CSH (my daughter plays with some in the summer) and it sounds like she is a psycho. This past weekend her halftime speech to the girls, who were only losing to the #4 team in the country by 2, was that they "suck" and "they will never be a great team". She also went on to personally embarrass and insult specific girls. Why do we as parents let this go on? Disgusting instructors like this need to be stopped.

No truth to this. Find new friends

Wahhh... the coach yells at my daughter