This board is getting ridiculous. As an educator at all levels, public, private, and religious schools there is one thing that is consistently apparent. As educators and schools systems we are quickly becoming the parents of kids. So yes all I want to do is teach kids them academics, however the truth lies in the simple fact that parents aren't parenting, teaching life lessons, or even holding their kids accountable. These parental responsibilities have fallen on schools. When you say schools should just teach academics, I am responding to then you as parents to teach your kids to be resposible, civil, and understanding tolerant humans. I repeat Understanding and tolerant not " in agreement with". to those parents that think their kids are saints take a close look and see how their peers are influencing each. detest and intolerance is generational. Hw does this relate to lacrosse. Well, lacrosse is a tight knit community. It is continuing to grow with all types of really good players. Once your reputation is set good luck trying to change it. Hopefully it's set in a positive way.