Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
u know what even better is how much of a complete PlayLax you are for bringing it up. You must have zero friends and the friends you think you have freaking detest you...THATS A FACT.....You are a complete lost for bringing this up on the forum..Jealous laxer...I wish I knew U..I would .... ... azz

You wouldn't do anything. You can't even spell. Kid screwed up, it's public knowledge, and you want to defend him. He was arrested and he will have to face the consequences. Hopefully, he realizes the severity of his actions and gets everything worked out. People make mistakes.
IDay starts today… will he be there or not? I’m betting daddy got him a really good lawyer worked some deals. And all is good in his little entitled world

You sound like there might be another video of this kid and your wife. Calm down.