Originally Posted by Anonymous1787
Programs with smaller male enrollments (Severn, BL, SP, SM and McD) are forced to recruit multi sport lacrosse players to field teams in other sports The best A Conference lacrosse teams have historically been filled with 2 and occasionally 3 sport athletes. What complicates the matter is not all of the teams complete at the same level in other sports (some B and others A). Traditionally a large majority of your fogos, poles and middies were multi sport athletes with the occasional attackman and keeper thrown in.... If you break out the two teams (two schools with smaller male enrollment numbers) in the A Conference Finals this past season, you will see this distribution pattern holds true.

Agreed. Now lets not hold them back by playing B in the sports other than lax. The schools that you mentioned are basically holding them back by playing them in B conference in sports other than lax. Everyone has hit the wall, done the dishes and taken out [Censored].