Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]Quiz, name the school.

Does the most with least: Severn last year, TBD this year

Does the least with most: Regular season last year, LB, TBD this year

Best Defense: This is a question about the best unit, not a couple of great individuals: AS, MSM, LB, MCD and CHC all have strong pieces, the answer to the best unit question is going to come down to the keeper, shorties, second LSM and the third close defenseman and how well the group communicates and works as a cohesive unit.

Best Attack: CHC seems to have the most depth, while BL, MCD and LB have a lot of talented underclassmen. Whether the 3rd attackman can finish and/or create offense will answer this question in the playoffs.

Least Respected: Of the contenders, Spalding and that's a mistake. AS is for real.....

Team you don't want to play in first round of playoffs: CHC, BL and AS Its more about coaching adjustments in the playoffs. Collegiate or professional coaching consults based on a season worth of film study go a long way to putting together a great playoff run.

Very good attempt to stay impartial from a Spalding parent. Best defense? Zone 90% of the time, Man 10% = get beat = back to zone.